GP education evening presented by WHRIA & Sydney Breast Clinic
A/Professor John Eden – Gynaecologist & Reproductive Endocrinologist – discussed the latest treatments available for patients suffering from hot flushes with a focus on survivors of breast cancer.
Dr. Karen Chan – Gynaecologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon, Pain Management Fellow – presented the treatment options for these cases including non-hormonal options for breast cancer survivors, such as laser offered at WHRIA.
Professor Mary Rickard – Radiologist and SBC Medical Director – presented a short talk about this new service at SBC. CEM can improve cancer detection and diagnostic accuracy and confidence. A case study will be used to illustrate the integrated team approach at SBC, including a panel discussion and questions.
Prof Vancaillie, Dr Lauren Kite, Dr Karen Chan and osteopaths Liz Howard and Amy Corcoran presented WHRIA’s team approach to pelvic pain.
This 4hr workshop focused on examining and treating a patient with chronic pelvic pain from a holistic point of view – including basic pharmacology and allied health.
Dr Yasmin Tan presented the Medical Management of Vulvar Pain. At RACV City Club, Melbourne, Victoria..
Dr Lauren Kite presents our recent study results Pudendal Nerve Blocks With Hyaluronic Acid For Treatment Of Pudendal Neuralgia – A Randomised Cross-Over Trial and Vaginismus: Diagnosis and Management Options.
Prof Vancaillie presents Vulvodynia – A Management Dilemma.
Keynote speakers Dr Yves Rees and Jean Kittson.
WHRIA’s Liz Howard presented to post-graudate Osteopaths internationally. Pelvic Pain in Ireland; and Pain & Pregnancy in Sweden.
The Very Peri Summit is an online event presented by Mamamia, giving you unprecedented access to the best perimenopause experts in the world, including WHRIA’s Dr Yasmin Tan
Dr Amanda Beech, WHRIA’s Obstetric Physician presented Hepatitis and intrahepatic cholestasis: what to do with deranged LFT’s in pregnancy to obstetricians, trainees, physicians, GP’s, rural generalists and midwives.
WHRIA’s Prof Vancaillie presented The Evolution of Hysterectomy; Dr Lauren Kite presented Vulval Pain Syndromes and physiotherapist Sherin Jarvis presented Dyspareunia and Vaginismus, Dr Jason Chow presented the Stellate Ganglion Block for Hot Flushes.
WHRIA’s Dr Jason Chow presented Approach to the Patient in Pain, and a Workshop: Laparoscopic suturing, knot tying to Australian and New Zealand AGES trainees.
A day to promote a level playing field between healthcare providers and consumers. WHRIA’s Dr Jason Chow presented Chronic Pelvic Pain. to emergency medicine registrars and other healthcare providers.
Dr Amanda Beech, WHRIA’s Obstetric Physician presented An Update on Hyperemesis Gravidarum at the 10 year anniversary conference.
WHRIA’s Professor Thierry Vancaillie presented Rejuvenating the uterus to global and local fertility experts at the FORUM.
WHRIA’s women’s and paediatric bowel and pelvic floor physiotherapist, Donna Namdaran Reynolds presented at this event hosted by the Neonatal Surgical Bowel Clinic for parents and clinicians.
WHRIA’s Dr Karen Chan presented The mesh removal experience: a clinical audit of 40 mesh removal surgeries by a single operator. Prof Vancaillie also presented on this topic.
WHRIA’s Liz Howard and Prof Vancaillie presented their research poster PELVIC PAIN OUTCOMES AFTER TRANS-VAGINAL MESH REMOVAL SURGERY AT A TERTIARY INTERDISCIPLINARY PELVIC PAIN CLINIC IN SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA at the The European congresses of the European Pain Federation.
WHRIA’s Dr Jason Chow spoke about Endometriosis and neurological disease: nerves the brain and how there are so many more options for treatment than surgery.
Fascia is one of the most critical and misunderstood anatomical structures and is often the missing link for persistent pain after a fall or injury, recurrent acute back pain, post-surgical pain and contusion injuries.
WHRIA’s Liz Howard presented a whole day on fascia to all allied health manual therapy practitioners.
Prof Vancaillie and Liz Howard spoke about the holistic approach used at WHRIA for the treatment of women affected by pelvic mesh implants, with other speakers, passionate about promoting women’s health.
The 2019 National Women and Heart Disease Forum, WHRIA’s Dr Amanda Beech spoke about Gestational Diabetes and other red flags.
Pregnancy can be extremely challenging for a mother’s body. A full house learnt how to more effectively help women prepare for labour, during their pregnancy and to recover efficiently from delivery or caesarean section. WHRIA’s Liz Howard presented her popular course in Sydney.
Prof Vancaillie spoke about Caudal Sacral Neuromodulation for Pelvic Pain and Organ Dysfunction, and Liz Howard, Dr Toos Sach and Prof Vancaillie presented a poster Imaging of Sacral Dorsal Root Ganglia
Dr Jason Chow from WHRIA spoke on the latest endometriosis research as a part of National Endo Month
WHRIA’s Dr Jason Chow spoke at this exciting annual event, organized by Endometriosis Australia.
This 3-hour talk was presented by Prof Thierry Vancaillie from WHRIA and Dr Bruce Mitchell from Metro Pain. It covered how to recognise and effectively treat mixed pain presentations, the latest conservative and interventional treatment strategies, and the referral processes for recovery.
Pregnancy can be extremely challenging for a mother’s body. This workshop was presented by Liz Howard from WHRIA and is open to all allied health and practitioners who see pregnant women, or would like to expand their practice.
More details and tickets here.
The HealthEd series is presented in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. This year A/Prof Eden, Dr Chow and Dr Tan spoke on various women’s health topics. See the HealthEd website for videos of some presentations
WHRIA’s Sherin Jarvis spoke bladder management and Dr Jason Chow spoke about the non-surgical management of chronic pelvic pain.
More Than Gynaecology – The Multidisciplinary Team, was the theme this year. Joining international speakers, WHRIA’s Prof Vancaillie spoke about the management of pelvic mesh pain. Dr Jason Chow discussed Pelvic Floor Hyperactivity, and Dr Lauren Kite presented our current study, the use of hyaluronic acid for the treatment of pudendal nerve pain.
Prof John Eden attended this 3 day update on all things menopause. The theme this year was Midlife Health in the 21st Century.
WHRIA’s Prof John Eden, Dr Jason Chow and Elizabeth Howard joined speakers from all over Australia and New Zealand for practical tips and information for all women Living With Endo. Pius-X Aboriginal Corporation and EndoActive hosted this fantastic seminar for Endo Awareness Month of March. Photo credit EndoActive
Liz Howard presented a two day seminar to osteopaths, outlining the interdisciplinary approach we use at WHRIA to address common pelvic and perineal pain complaints.
Prof Vancaillie and Liz Howard attended the world’s largest meeting in the field of neuromodulation to present a research poster: Active Sacral Neuromodulation during Two Pregnancies.
WHRIA’s A/Prof John Eden travelled around Australia to speak about Bio-identical and Body-Identical hormones. Other speakers include A/Prof Terry Bolin, Dr Nicholas Wood, and Dr Terri Foran.
A/Prof John Eden spoke about the latest treatments for menopause, Bio-Identical Hormones.
A full weekend of multi-disciplinary speakers including WHRIA’s Prof Vancaillie with Melbourne pain medicine specialists Dr Angela Chia, Dr Bruce Mitchell.
Liz Howard presented the most common pelvic pain presentations, how to easily identify these, and how to manage women or men presenting to osteopathic or allied health practice. To sign up for future courses at Bower Bird CPD.
Prof Vancaillie spoke about the “Sydney Protocol”, WHRIA’s Approach to Pelvic Pain with Neuromodulation. Liz Howard attended to present two studies conducted at WHRIA, of the first 50 sacral neuromodulators. See the INS website for more details.
“Big specifics” WHRIA’s Prof Vancaillie presented in the Pelvic Pain Masterclass session. For more information see the FPM ANZCA site.
Breaking Down the Barriers. WHRIA’s pelvic floor and paediatric bowel physiotherapist Donna Namdaran Reynolds spoke about Poos Wees and Farts and the Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist.
The ‘Mechanisms of Action’. WHRIA’s Prof Vancaillie, Dr Lauren Kite and Liz Howard attended to present the study Sacral Neuromodulation for Pelvic Pain & Pelvic Organ Dysfunction. See the INS website
WHRIA’s Prof Vancaillie, presented When Surgery Fails: contemporary non-surgical options for persistent pelvic pain. See the AGES website for the full program including Justin Clark, Kristen Matteson and Malcolm Munro.
WHRIA’s A/Prof John Eden spoke about Bio-identical and Body-Identical hormones, joining an all-star line up including A/Prof Terry Bolin, Dr Nicholas Wood and Dr Terri Foran. Check the HealthEd website for the next update and the GP Education Day in your capital city.
This event featured speakers from Colorectal, Urogynaecology and Oncology backgrounds, including WHRIA’s Prof Thierry Vancaillie, Osteopath, Liz Howard and physiotherapist Donna Reynolds. The program covered controversies and challenges in pelvic floor health for Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Professionals, with lectures and hands-on clinical workshops to encourage practical solutions for complex problems.
Dr Yasmin Tan attended this meeting to hear keynote speaker Dr Claudia Marchetelli from Buenos Aires speak about vulvo-vaginal health.
Prof Vancaillie, Dr Georgina Armstrong, Liz Howard, Amy Corcoran and WHRIA’s research students, Lucy Butcher & Gabi Levy presented a poster of the study: Changes To the Pelvic Girdle During Pregnancy – A Pilot Study.
The Pelvic Pain Foundation hosted this training seminar to provide practical training in how to confidently and effectively manage pelvic pain conditions in practice.
Dr Jason Chow, Sherin Jarvis and Dr Lauren Kite attended the World Congress on Pain, the premier conference devoted to pain research and treatment.
WHRIA’s Liz Howard & Prof Vancaillie’s poster “Preventing Persistent Pelvic Pain” has been accepted by the APAC Forum for presentation this year. It is recognised for attracting premier speakers, from healthcare and related industries, from around the globe.
Dr Yasmin Tan spoke about New Approaches for the treatment of Vulvo- Vaginal Atrophy, such as the MonaLisa Touch Laser. Dr Jason Chow spoke about Chronic Pelvic Pain, Advice for GP’s.
WHRIA’s Dr Jason Chow spoke about Office Gynae Dilemmas: My vulva is itchy and painful. This annual event utilises workshops, keynote speakers and provides delegates the opportunity to share ideas, information and learning in the pursuit of providing excellent health care to women.
WHRIA’s pelvic floor physiotherapist Sherin Jarvis spoke about Persistent postnatal perineal pain with suspicion of pudendal neuralgia, and Dr Jason Chow spoke about Post-partum and Perineal/Rectal Pain along side Dr Rani Sachdev and Dr Giselle Kidson-Gerber.
WHRIA’s Pain Medicine Specialist, Gynaecologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon, Dr Jason Chow spoke about Chronic Pelvic Pain – Advice for GP’s. Keynote speakers included A/Prof Gayle Fischer, Dr Rosie King, Dr Deborah Bateson, Prof Robert McLachlan. See HealthEd for a video of Dr Yasmin Tan speaking about Delayed Puberty.
WHRIA osteopath’s Amy Corcoran and Elizabeth Howard talked about an osteopath’s role in pelvic and perineal pain within the WHRIA interdisciplinary team. Osteopaths had a chance to view our Bathurst St procedure rooms and met some of the team, including Acupuncturist Bernice Lowe, and Dr Jason Chow, Gynaecologist, Obstetrician and Pain Physician.
Prof John Eden spoke about post-natal depression, PMT and menopausal depression. Dr Jason Chow spoke about how pelvic pain is more than endometriosis. Donna Namdaran Reynolds spoke about the secrets of a pelvic floor physiotherapist, paediatrics, pregnancy and beyond and demonstrated many of her tools of the trade.
WHRIA’s osteopaths, Amy Corcoran and Elizabeth Howard spoke about how osteopathy fits within the multidisciplinary management of pelvic pain.
WHRIA’s Sherin Jarvis spoke about Pelvic floor muscle hyperactivity: clinical features and management pearls. She joined a host of well-renowned international and local urology and urogynaecology specialists, including: Venu Chalasani, Lewis Chan, Peter Chin, Mohamed Khadra, Jennifer King, Vincent Tse, Henry Woo, and Eric Chung to name a few.
The informative program featured 13 distinguished medical specialists, health professionals, scientists and academics. Sherin Jarvis, WHRIA’s pelvic floor physiotherapist spoke about physiotherapy and persistent pelvic pain. The latest research and trends in treatment and self-management were presented. Now available on DVD.
The Royal Hospital for Women Physiotherapy Department presented talks by an interdisciplinary team working with women in chronic pelvic and perineal pain. Guest lecturer, Dr Rosie King and presenters from WHRIA, Ms Sherin Jarvis, Professor Thierry Vancaillie, Dr Yasmin Tan, and Dr Jason Chow.
Geared towards allied health professionals experienced in working in this rewarding and often challenging patient group, the day provided the unique opportunity to gain insight into different practitioners’ clinical practice.
Case studies and examples were used to illustrate approaches to treatment and management.
For more information about the next lecture series email: physio.rhw@sesiahs.health.nsw.gov.au
WHRIA’s Dr Jason Chow presented on neuralgia following gynaecological surgery, alongside international keynote speakers.
For more information see UGSA.
Presented by Healthed and the Royal Hospital for Women. 16 Category 2 CPD points approved by RACGP
WHRIA’s Associate Professor John Eden has been an integral part of the Brains Trust for this unrivalled, high-quality annual GP educational event for over 25 years with Dr Ramesh Manocha, Dr Christine Read and Dr Terri Foran. This year the topic of his talk was ‘HRT – Not all progestins are the same.’
To view some of these talks, see HealthEd.
WHRIA’s Professor Thierry Vancaillie presented three talks: ‘Neuropelveology – Understanding the road map,’ ‘Botox – where, when how?’ and ‘Pudendal nerve release – the answer we have been waiting for?’
He was also part of a panel discussion on pelvic organ prolapse.
Associate Professor John Eden presented case studies describing the various presentations and managements of menopause. He discussed the indications, benefits and various methods of administration of hormone replacement pharmaceuticals, including evidenced-based herbal and bio-identical options.
Professor Thierry Vancaillie presented the current medical and interdisciplinary approach to chronic pelvic and perineal pain. He discussed key clinical symptom clusters and signs for the most common pelvic pain presentations, and their management – from the traditional medical approach to alternative options available within the realm of integrative medicine.
Dr Yasmin Tan, WHRIA gynaecologist and ultrasound specialist, presented on the new treatment and management options for the most common vulval disorders seen by GPs.
Dr Juman Farjo spoke about the historical and new treatment and management options for prolapse and pelvic floor issues.
In March 2011, WHRIA’s Professor Thierry Vancaillie (gynaecologist and pain medicine specialist) and Sherin Jarvis (pelvic floor physiotherapist) along with Dr Andreas Loeffler (orthopaedic surgeon) visited the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) in Nantes, France.
They spent one week learning with anatomist and neurosurgeon Professor Roger Robert’s team. The CHU in Nantes has a long-standing history in the treatment of pain syndromes and is a centre for this type of work in Europe.
Our team learnt the gluteal approach to pudendal nerve release surgery, and introduced it in Australia. The knowledge they gained at the CHU has enhanced our understanding of pudendal neuralgia, and helped us to improve the management of patients suffering from this condition at WHRIA.
The team from Nantes accepted our invitation to come to Australia to share their expertise, in a day of seminar presentations in February 2012:
If you would like one of the WHRIA team to speak at an educational event, please contact support@whria.com.au.
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