Gynaecologist & Pain Medicine Specialist
Professor Thierry Vancaillie is a gynaecologist and pain specialist, renowned for his role in developing minimally invasive procedures, including hysteroscopic and laparoscopic surgery. His expertise includes pudendal neuralgia, pelvic pain, post-surgical pain and the surgical treatment of infertility with Asherman’s Syndrome.
He has published over 200 papers, ranging from the application of electrosurgery to the world-first pilot study utilising Botulinum Toxin for pelvic floor muscle pain. He is a founding director of the Women’s Health and Research Institute of Australia working with our large interdisciplinary team.
After studying medicine in Namur, Belgium from 1973-1976 then Leuven, Belgium 1976-1980, Professor Vancaillie went on to complete his obstetrics and gynaecology specialist training in Bremen, Germany in 1985. He is a fellow of the RANZCOG, as well as fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FFPMANZCA).
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