WHRIA’s pelvic ultrasound clinic specialises in gynaecology, pelvic pain, infertility, Asherman’s Syndrome and endometriosis scanning. Gynaecologists Dr Yasmin Tan and Professor Thierry Vancaillie and women’s health sonographer Kathleen Sweeney work together to offer you the most up-to-date in pelvic ultrasound for:
*The DEEP INFILTRATING ENDOMETRIOSIS (DIE) scan is a specialised, dynamic transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound examination, best performed after a bowel preparation. It aims to looks for deposits of disease on pelvic organs and other pelvic structures, including bowel. It also assesses for indirect signs of endometriosis such as specific site tenderness and mobility of the pelvic organs.
The examination is performed by a dedicated gynaecological sonographer and assessed by a women’s ultrasound specialist who is also an experienced endometriosis surgeon.
WHRIA Diagnostics is accredited by the National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia (NATA) under the Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Scheme. Medicare rebates are applicable for these services with a valid referral from your doctor or specialist.
For enquiries or bookings, please call WHRIA on 1300 722 206.
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